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Upcoming First Training of Trainers and Coordination Meeting at University of Rwanda to Boost Disability Inclusion

Cover of the ToT1 agenda

 In a groundbreaking effort to advance disability inclusion and human rights, the University of Rwanda is set to host the "First Training of Trainers and Coordination Meeting" from September 26 to 29, 2023. This event promises to be a pivotal moment for the project, bringing together experts from the Student Support Centre and the Employment Centre at the University of Alicante and the University of Macedonia.

This innovative event will shed light on a variety of critical topics, with a focus on dispelling biases and misconceptions about disabilities. Partners will have the opportunity to engage in workshops addressing attitudes when working with and for people with disabilities, delve into fundamental rights and positive discrimination, explore the differences between human rights and disability rights, and examine the social model of disability versus the medical model. The event will also explore integration and inclusion terminology and provide guidance on becoming an ideal inclusive faculty while fostering empathy to eradicate misunderstandings.

One of the key objectives of the event is to empower students with disabilities through discussions on self-determination and support in higher education. ANSWER partners aim to drive progress and plan the next steps to achieve the project's objectives during the coordination meeting.

Let's work together to create a more inclusive and equal world for all. Join us in this important initiative to promote disability inclusion and human rights, and be a part of the change that will make a difference in the lives of many.