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Study Visit in Spain and Greece to Enhance Support for Students with Disabilities

Study Visit cover of agenda

Alicante, Spain


Next week, from 3rd to 7th July, partners from Project ANSWER will embark on a study visit to Spain and Greece, aimed at promoting knowledge exchange and improving support for students with disabilities. The study visits will provide an opportunity for Rwandan partners to gain exposure to modern practices and innovative approaches in the field of inclusion, accessibility, and disability.

In Alicante, Spain, the agenda includes various sessions to explore the University of Alicante's Student Support Centre and learn about their good practices in supporting students with disabilities. The participants will also visit the General Library and the Digital Accessibility Unit to gain insights into the institution's efforts to create an inclusive learning environment. The study visit will conclude with visits to ONCE Foundation and a city tour of Alicante, offering a comprehensive experience of inclusive practices.

Additionally, a management meeting will take place, covering topics such as project management, needs analysis, assistive technology purchase, capacity building, institutional building, quality control, and ongoing dissemination. This meeting aims to facilitate internal discussions and ensure effective coordination among partners.

Following the visit to Alicante, the Rwandan partners will travel to Thessaloniki, Greece, to continue their study visit. The agenda in Thessaloniki includes a session to visit the library services for students with visual disabilities, accessibility units, orientation and mobility measures for visually impaired students, student counseling and support center, mental health promotion, the accessible programs for all students, and the accessibility of UoM’s infrastructure. These sessions will provide valuable insights into best practices and experiences related to inclusion and accessibility.

The study visits to Alicante and Thessaloniki are expected to enhance the understanding of how European partners provide support to students with disabilities. The knowledge gained during these visits will be instrumental in adapting and contextualizing best practices for the Rwandan context, ultimately leading to the development of a more inclusive higher education system.

As Project ANSWER continues to make strides in promoting inclusion and accessibility, these study visits serve as important milestones in fostering collaboration and sharing expertise among partners.


View of Alicante from aboveView from Thessaloniki from above